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Topic Review (Newest First)
03-08-2014 08:45 PM
Extra nuts
03-08-2014 05:49 PM
orthobird sold this airplane. ;(
do not have it anymore
the engine was sent back to DA
don't know what happened to it either.

i am looking to start all over again!!
01-04-2014 06:41 PM
orthobird can you believe i never installed them? i have them somewhere. i will look for them, put them on and take a picture to post!!
01-03-2014 10:47 AM
Phil Griffin Although there was something I really liked about my 110 with no spinner and no wheel pants..
To me, a big Yak or Sukhoi is the only plane that can pull that off with style.
01-03-2014 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by roc111672 View Post
Wheel pants are a must on my planes. They look so much better than not having them.
Amen brother!
01-03-2014 09:39 AM
roc111672 Wheel pants are a must on my planes. They look so much better than not having them.
12-07-2013 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by orthobird View Post
ok, just replaced the landing gear:
the new ones sure do look nicer.
i ordered the aluminum ones from extreme flight and this is what they sent me

You do know its against the law to run an Extra, Edge, MX, etc. without wheel pants don't you? Grass is no excuse. I fly from grass with pants. LOL
12-07-2013 07:40 PM
orthobird ok, just replaced the landing gear:
the new ones sure do look nicer.
i ordered the aluminum ones from extreme flight and this is what they sent me
12-07-2013 06:30 PM
orthobird so, i saw this just now:

turns out, when i messed with the timing, i had advanced it all the way, and this is way timing was when i put her up in the air. just no power.

so i have just retarded timing all the way, and wow, she cranks up and has lots of power.

lets see what happens on monday when i take her to fly her!!

DA 60 timing demo video Winter 2011 (1 min 58 sec)
12-07-2013 06:28 PM
orthobird so installed my engine and went to magtown fly in. my extra 91" is now a kick around airplane. it has over 70 flights, and it is pretty beat up. but it still flies. i just recently sent the da 60 back to be checked, since it lost compression. Da sent it back with repairs done and i was excited. i installed it on the 91" extra and turned her on, which was not easy. choke on, flip 6 times, then she would pop, then i turned choke off, flip 3 to 5 times, then she would turn on for 3 seconds, then i flip again, she turned on for 2 seconds, then i flip again, and she would turn on for one second, then after this, all the flipping would not turn her back on, unless i rechoked her. i opened the LSN, then she turned on easily and i thought i had tuned her. few days later, took her to the magnolia fly in, and again, hard to start, i played with the needles, and then she cranked up. prior to this, some suggested to change the timing. which i did. but then, once she got up in air, just was way underpowered, and she sounded way rich. however, i knew, if i lean her out, she will not start. i am a bit perplexed about her. don't know what to do.
11-26-2013 08:21 PM
orthobird my 91" extra has been out of commission due to the da 60 being cooked during the summer. sent the engine to da 2 weeks ago, and to my surprise, when i got home today, there she was!!

DA rocks!!

anyways, this is what happened:
i blew the crankcase gasket, bearing leak, piston bore wear. they replaced the gasket for cylinder base, piston, upper rod pin, piston pin c clips, front bearing, mid bearing, gasket case, choke plate, and throttle plate.

Da is awesome. can't wait to install her and fly her again, this time, i need to install baffles to improve cooling to the engine.
09-04-2013 05:23 PM
orthobird ok, just flew her 5 times. 1st 3 flights with the vess 24B, on the ground max rpm was 6650.

then last two flights were with the falcon 24 x 10. did not tach it, but i agree with yakwards, it seems the Vess 24 b was slightly better.
still have to test the Mejzlik 24 x 10 TH and the Falcon 24 x 9
09-04-2013 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by orthobird View Post
just ordered the 24 x 9 carbon from Falcon,
will let you know as well how she does.
I wasn't to happy with 24x10 Falcon,no bite at lower throttle settings & reduced downline braking.
09-04-2013 11:04 AM
orthobird just ordered the 24 x 9 carbon from Falcon,
will let you know as well how she does.
09-03-2013 02:35 PM
Jatrizzy Hey Ortho if you are going to run stock mufflers try the falcon 24x9 carbon. Awesome combo for da60 with muffs.
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