Thread: New Fancy Foam MX2 !!! Reply to Thread

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Topic Review (Newest First)
08-16-2012 09:50 PM
Neal the Ace cool !
08-16-2012 08:59 PM
louu Check out my latest MX2 paint job...
This thing rolls way to fast without the spades or landing gear.
08-15-2012 11:47 PM
louu Thanks guys
08-15-2012 10:39 PM
hpapilot It should be the second hole... I think... maybe...

I can look this weekend and find out!
08-15-2012 05:29 PM
xtremeRCpilot Maybe it was in this thread http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1126761

08-15-2012 04:16 PM
louu I just read through this whole thing again trying to find the post that had the picture of what holes to use for the radical rc aieleron arm and couldent find it.
Anyone know where it is or what holes to use?
05-17-2012 02:14 PM
T_Simatovic Too funny. I hope to meet you guys at the Lodi huckfest in October!
05-17-2012 02:07 PM
Free. I am having more fun than you might think.

05-17-2012 02:05 PM
T_Simatovic As long as you two are having fun torturing our minds, then Im not worried about it. LoL
05-17-2012 01:44 PM
Not Free Free. only owns a A10-15s

I own a A10-9L

Haha (he sometimes flies my planes) (Again, we are no the same person ) (and are not related thought marriage (funny that I have to say that, but some people think STRANGE things) We are both males
05-17-2012 01:40 PM
T_Simatovic We like to run the 8x4's for indoor use because the walls come up quick when you use an 8x4.3. The 8x4.3's are lighter in general. Less plastic used. Higher rpms, more pitch, amazing torque and speed! Indoor competition is an exception .
05-17-2012 01:38 PM
T_Simatovic You two kill me.
05-17-2012 01:36 PM
Free. I would go with a GWS 8X4.3 because:

1. They do not need an adapter to fit the A10-9L and A10-15s

2. More power!

3. Because they do not need an adapter, they are ~1 gram lighter!

4. They look better!(In my opinion)

05-17-2012 12:48 PM
Not Free On my MX2 I used a 8x4 and a 8x4.3
I, personally, like the gws 8x4.3 better than the gws 8x4, because i like the power (I fly outdoors, because...)
Not Free
03-13-2012 02:55 PM
3dflyer54 I use the gws's light and work well. I fly it outdoor and inside so i was looking for a balance between the 8-3.8 and 8-4.3 to kinda have best of both world, i agree the 8-4.3 is very snappy.
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