Thread: Discussion FG EXCLUSIVE: Revolutionary Props, A Brand New Prop Deisgn! Reply to Thread

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Topic Review (Newest First)
04-02-2013 10:16 PM
Nick Milligan Mine is in my tool box ready to go on in a moment's notice.
04-01-2013 03:43 AM
1 st APRIL
It may be cruel to ask but what ever happened to these things ?
I thought it was a joke at the time .
01-17-2013 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Vargas View Post
me thinks they went back,,, way back,,, to the proto type to start over.

There is the problem! They curved it the wrong way.
01-16-2013 09:40 PM
Bill Vargas me thinks they went back,,, way back,,, to the proto type to start over.

01-14-2013 02:36 PM
Badams Heck, 3 years ago I was planning my next plane with one of these props, and the Open Source radio that everyone was talking about. Sounded like they were days away from market.......tap....tap....tap
01-14-2013 02:28 PM
jarheadflyer If you really want to see for yourself, and you are willing to pay the shipping I have on drilled for a DLE 55 you can try

PM me
01-14-2013 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by jarheadflyer View Post
That should tell you all you need to know about these props.
yes I figured as much, but wanted to ask for asking's sake
01-14-2013 12:33 PM
jarheadflyer That should tell you all you need to know about these props.
01-14-2013 11:57 AM
Cryhavoc38 whats the current word on these props?
This thread went silent as a crypt
04-13-2012 06:30 PM
britbob I believe J Bourke has bought the patent and is further developing these props with Hobby King
04-12-2012 04:40 PM
aramsdell Hey Flyfalcons, how did you get a pic of my RV? I musta decloaked for a second. Believe.
04-11-2012 04:50 PM
04-11-2012 04:46 PM
anders e I have one that's just fine, but its too small for my 55/60cc engines. I think it gonna work ok on a DA-50.
Sorry mith, not a answar to your question.
04-11-2012 04:42 PM
Mithrandir Has anyone had one of these props 'splode yet?

some of the other composite prop mfg'rs have had occasional issues
04-11-2012 04:40 PM
aramsdell Prop accident removed the fingertips and they can no longer type. Should get Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice recognition software to continue in this forum........
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