Thread: Question EQ-10 set-up
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Old 01-08-2012, 11:25 AM
BOSSIER_ROB is offline
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Still Draggin' 'Em
United States, LA, Bossier City
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Originally Posted by JCFLYR View Post
So when I use either channel 1 or 10 from the eq-10 to receiver it is supplying 5 volts of power to receiver and to that servo correct? Can I plug ch 1 or 10 from eq-10 directly to the battery input of receiver if I'm not using it for a servo?
It provides 5v to the receiver but voltage to the servo depends on if you're using a regulator. I don't remember if the eq10 has a built in super or turbo reg. If it does, you can adjust the voltage to the servos to a maximum of 6.6v. If you're not using a regulator and there isn't one built in, you'll get 5v to the rereceiver and direct battery voltage to your servos. You can plug those leads to a battery input but that decreases the amount of channels to the power expander you can use. Better to plug them into channel 1 and 10. Use both plugs that provide power to the receiver even if you wont use one of those channels.
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