pitviper51's blog View Details
Posted by pitviper51 | 11-17-2007 @ 09:39 PM | 22,485 Views
nothing too crazy to report, had a good time on one of the cave trips i havent seen, and wandered the trails a bit, anyone that hasnt been to this cave, should go atleast once.enjoy some pics

Posted by pitviper51 | 09-23-2007 @ 06:19 PM | 24,993 Views
hi everyone, i figured the blog is about the best place to put this. anyway the past 3 days for me consisted of getting up at 430am and paddling my kayak 24 miles to a very rocky island to camp for the night, then another 6 in the morning..the small group i paddled with made good time, the other 25 canoes.. not so much... i dont know if anyone heres has been here before but theres a great spot to stop for a break along the way its dubed the "blue hole" sound pretty simple eh... well for an under water cave entrance with water flowing up at 53 degrees this place is like a spa.. it WILL change you if you jump in.. enuff said let me show you,. i wish my camera had sound heheh, any fellow kayakers out there speak up about cool trips you go on were all ways looking for new places.!

ps have to resize better still shots yet. more to come