Thread: Article Orel Zohar and the Pilot-RC Laser 103" Reply to Thread

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Topic Review (Newest First)
12-23-2018 01:40 PM
wingburner ...
12-22-2018 11:36 AM
RCAddiction Agree on the 50cc size, although am presently looking for a 100cc plane. What would be better about this video directly above is if the irritating music was eliminated and instead, I could hear the engine and throttle management. I have to watch it with the sound muted...might as well be watching an electric foamy.....

What is the expected arrival date in the US for one of the Bruckmann scheme Lasers?
12-13-2018 10:37 AM
Pilot Rc Laser 103" (7 min 53 sec)
11-14-2018 09:56 AM
stharvey1975 Excited about this size. Lots of people have good dle-55s sitting around. I have two waiting on a good got airframe.

Originally Posted by pilot-rc View Post
60cc Laser-88" coming soon.
11-13-2018 10:43 PM
RcwBone I'm glad to here that it's 88 inch not the over weight puffed up 92 inch stuff that needs a DA 70 to have good power. I would prefer a light weight 83 to 85 inch plane that has good power with a DLE 55 and great power with a 60cc. I guess an 88 could still be good if the weight is kept down. By the way I like the green laser looks good.
11-13-2018 07:37 PM
pilot-rc 60cc Laser-88" coming soon.
11-13-2018 07:36 PM
all the scheme photos are here now.

first batch laser is on the sea to US warehouse now.
10-29-2018 06:38 PM
Swampflier Ditto on the 85 in - 50 cc model
10-28-2018 03:51 PM
TazmanianDevil Outstanding and brilliant flights, as always Orel.
Hope to see you soon flying with us again and setting high standards in Freestyle flying.
10-26-2018 10:28 PM
RcwBone Now we just need a 85 ish inch 50 cc version
10-26-2018 07:11 PM
pilot-rc I am happy that Orel join Pilot-RC. we will try to attend XFC and Joe Nall 2019.
10-26-2018 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Vapor Trails View Post
So what you are saying is, teach my 6 month old son to solo before the age of 5 and he will be able to fly like this?

Don't forget you will need to buy your son many many top notch airplanes as well. Start buying now. Tell your wife you are just investing in your son's future.
10-26-2018 12:41 PM
Vapor Trails So what you are saying is, teach my 6 month old son to solo before the age of 5 and he will be able to fly like this?

10-26-2018 07:16 AM
clpahodges All I can say is WOW!!! Hope he comes to Joe Nall next year.
10-26-2018 02:03 AM
guldukat Wow - that's some crazy good flying. Hope he will be at the XFC next year.
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