Thread: Discussion Strange engine damage or intentional? Dle20 Reply to Thread

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Topic Review (Newest First)
08-25-2019 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Truckracer View Post
Sorry you got attitude from one of the responders.
08-25-2019 04:33 PM
Capt Kurt
Originally Posted by FGNewbie View Post
Another jewel of wisdom from airboss.
08-25-2019 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by KMatch View Post
First time! I suspected they were too precise to be "damage" but this was sure the first I noticed! I suppose this was heat induction for whatever plating. I never thought of it as a problem as I just shrugged, gave it a finger wipe, and slapped it together intending to run it 'til it dies. Just as every engine I buy. This little dude has done me well and I couldn't be happier with it.
I have two of the side exhaust DLE 20 and find them great little engines. Lots of good engines out there these days. Sorry you got attitude from one of the responders.
08-25-2019 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Truckracer View Post
Those marks are from where the electrodes were inserted into the cylinder during the manufacturing / plating process. No problem and common on most Chinese engines and others. You probably just never noticed them before.
First time! I suspected they were too precise to be "damage" but this was sure the first I noticed! I suppose this was heat induction for whatever plating. I never thought of it as a problem as I just shrugged, gave it a finger wipe, and slapped it together intending to run it 'til it dies. Just as every engine I buy. This little dude has done me well and I couldn't be happier with it.
08-25-2019 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by airboss/oc View Post
cheap engine will always cause problems that usually add up to the expensive engine you should have purchased
What's with the attitude? Why do you feel the need to dictate my buying purchases? I suppose my inability to function and earn a living now due to the loss of the use of my legs puts me below you somehow? Do I owe you some apology? Did it go right over your head this engine lived a lot of flights and simply needed a ring to bring it back to life? Obviously your comprehension didn't catch that. I'm quite happy with it! And if you pay any attention, DLE leads the market in 20cc engines. Where are all those OSes? Not a lot of DAs out there. Last I looked, the number of DA 20s was exactly zero. Move along.
08-25-2019 12:34 PM
FGNewbie Another jewel of wisdom from airboss.
08-25-2019 12:15 PM
boothg-3 Curious how the price of the engine is associated with the manufacturing marks in the pictures
08-25-2019 11:16 AM
airboss/oc cheap engine will always cause problems that usually add up to the expensive engine you should have purchased
08-25-2019 08:00 AM
Truckracer Those marks are from where the electrodes were inserted into the cylinder during the manufacturing / plating process. No problem and common on most Chinese engines and others. You probably just never noticed them before.
08-25-2019 12:34 AM
Strange engine damage or intentional? Dle20

OK, I tend to be the engine guru and can figure out most failures, snafus, crankcase evacuations, and so on. But this one has me a bit stumped. The pictures are both the same cylinder - 1 without a flash, 1 with a flash. This is inside a dle20 cylinder looking at the upper combustion chamber. I bought this new a few years ago and tore it down for a new ring and carburetor as the carb had issues causing hard starting and the ring was simply worn out and compression was low. This engine has a ton of time on it with an occasional glitch we all run into but no hard lean runs and rare extended full throttle runs as this is a 3d bird that would self destruct at high speeds. This pattern makes no sense to me. I've never seen engine "damage" so precise. These 7 divots are perfectly spaced, sized nearly exactly the same, and are less than .002" deep. Probably .001" deep with a slight ridge around each one similar in height. Piston crown, skirt, and spark plug in perfect condition with no matching marks and piston wash is even great. These marks look intentional but I've never seen anything like them before including another dle20 I recently tore into. Who wants to toss some thoughts out? Is this some new strange machining process or precision detonation?

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